Thursday, November 1, 2007

We're In!

Hello all, just a quick message as batteries are low - we got ourselves
and our 600 boxes landed on Monday night - good thing it was light til
11. The weather has been fantastically kind to us, blue skies and
sunshine since we got here, no wind at all, so it is feeling almost
warm! Only just below freezing most days, have a bowl of ice in our
bunkroom which is melting very slowly so I guess not much warmer in here!.

Better go, got snow to dig. The penguins are wonderful! the sheathbills
less so! We have also been visited by a wounded elephant seal and a
chinstrap penguin so far.

Will post again when I can. Thanks for your messages, from Mum and Alan,
it's nice to hear from you - yes, give susannah the blog address, that's
fine Alan. Rachel's blog is very good - much better than mine!

Helen x


Jess said...

Hello Helen, Tess passed your blog onto me and there you are at the bottom of the world. Now we can keep an eye on you.....
Have heaps of fun down there adn keep warm!!!
Mine & Franks birthdays this w/e and have busy skedge so will write soon.

Jill Russell said...

Hi Helen, Great to see all your news. The new camera is taking great pictures, can't wait for the next installment. From all in Gatehouse of Fleet